Transforming Our Life Through Human Revolution

We have heard of many revolutions – political, economic, industrial, scientific, etc. but what about Human Revolution? Human Revolution is a revolution in our behaviour, actions, speech, thoughts, etc. It is the most fundamental of all revolutions and the most necessary revolution for humankind where we transform our lives at the very core and includes identifying our shortcomings that hinder our full potential and humanity.

Human lives are complex and consist of many factors such as our personalities, habits, karma, and family connections among them, which we easily become entangled and unable to free ourselves. We spend our days fussing and fretting about immediate, minor problems.

Daisaku Ikeda, a Japanese Buddhist philosopher, educator, author, and nuclear disarmament advocate as well as my mentor too, explains human revolutions as, “No matter what one changes, the world will never get any better as long as people themselves remain selfish and lack compassion. Therefore, human revolution is the most fundamental of all revolutions, and at the same time, the necessary for humankind.”

When we bring inner transformation into our own lives and realise our full human potential, it is called Human Revolution. However, it requires discipline, focus, willpower and perseverance – it is a continuous process and if one slackens a bit, we will return to square one.

The key to human happiness lies in transforming ourselves through our external world, natural environment, as well as social surroundings. It helps us to face the challenges confronting us in our daily life for the betterment of ourselves and the environment we live in.

You must be thinking that how we change ourselves for the betterment in a positive way. Having self-discipline and the effort we take will enable us to make positive changes. For example; if we determine to start to exercise regularly, or control our negative thoughts that lead to negative actions. It requires willpower which is not easy to maintain and our self-control may slip because we have ignored the underlying, inner causes of our behaviour.

Similarly, if one day a boy who is always playing, never studies and makes the decision that from today he is going to study for the sake of his future – he is engaging in human revolution. In other words, human revolution is keeping our eyes wide open and seeing beyond our ordinary concerns, striving and dedicating our actions to something higher, deeper, and broader perspective in life.

Daisaku Ikeda says, “A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of all humankind.”

It is only humans who can seek growth and self-improvement, consciously change their lives, enrich and deepen their lives by not allowing themselves to head aimlessly.

We will always remain as humans and can’t transform ourselves into someone of higher beings, hence, it is crucial to transform ourselves as human beings. We can try to adorn ourselves with fame, social status, academic credentials, knowledge, or money, but if we are impoverished in humanity, our lives will remain empty from the inside. What matters is who we are when all the external things are stripped away and who we are as ourselves.

When we embark on a journey of self-discovery and challenge by taking responsibility for our feelings and emotions, we can transform our lives from within. One individual’s human revolution can eventually change the destiny of the entire human race. We don’t have to wait for the right time, Human revolution takes place right now, at this moment, where we are right now and in whatever situation we are at this moment.

Once we experience our inner transformation and, in our environment, this freeing feeling cannot be expressed in words.

Lastly, when we get discouraged or demotivated, just refresh your determination each time and resolve to see problems as opportunities. Keep trying again and again, forging ahead with firm optimism – you will succeed in your Human Revolution.

Manisha Sharma, Account Director, RV-VeKommunicate

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