Case Studies


  • Issue of agriculture mandated education qualification requirement (placing a BSc graduate in each store) for getting a license to sell home insecticide products.
  • Some State Governments imposed high Consent Fee on mining activities. Some State Governments also significantly increased the Consent Fee for mining activities.
  • Pursuant to the Union Budget 2021, the Ministry of Finance imposed Agriculture Infrastructure Development Cess (AIDC) on various products including Crude Palm Oil. However, due to some anomaly it was also imposed on Crude Palm Stearin (CPS).
  • The Food and Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has implemented the Labelling Display regulation from 1 st July 2022. However, client has unused packaging based on the old labelling norms which it wanted FSSAI to allow using for packaging.


We supported and encouraged our clients to engage with various ministries like the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment and Mining, Ministry of Finance and Food Safety Standards Authority of India and the state government.


  • Based on the outreach with stakeholders, VeK has been successfully able to solve the issues.

Communication: Media & Social Media

  • Built International Spirit and Wines Association brand, reputation and visibility, positioning ISWAI through the right narrative and messaging, through an active media engagement at both the state and national levels.
  • Develop a media plan and enhance visibility and trust for the Public Affairs Forum of India (PAFI) pan-India.
  • VeK developed and executed a media plan for TB Alliance to position the organization and showcase for the first time in India, its breakthrough new TB drug and its potential to radically save lives.
  • VeK engaged with the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) to establish their views against the crypto ban, and shape evidence-based opinion through constructive engagement and exclusive interactions and position their views on the need for a robust regulatory mechanism for the Cryptocurrency ecosystem.
  • VeK developed & executed a media campaign for the Cement Manufacturing Association (CMA), for their annual conference and the ‘Plastic Ravana Initiative’ in Delhi, creating awareness in support of the PM’s plastic ban initiative.
  • VeK organized a one-day Pharmaceutical Industry familiarization trip to showcase the strength and prowess of Indian pharma, on behalf of The Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA) wherein senior health & pharma journalists (national & International) were invited, for an onsite tour at two very prominent Indian pharmaceutical sites, a manufacturing plant, and a research and development (R&D) center.
  • VeK designed and organized the Roundtable for the launch of Center for Digital Financial Inclusion (CDFI) report on migrant remittances, inviting relevant stakeholders that included senior bureaucrats (OPED pieces, press release, participating in industry stories, etc.)
  • VeK team developed a Social media plan for the launch of a new app, to build positive impressions, visibility, user engagement, using platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and running campaigns etc. Also provided analytics and insights to monitor progress. Similarly developed SM strategies for ORM and for generating awareness and visibility.
  • A US-based USD 10 Bn plus company, VeK got the mandate to build the company’s brand visibility and reputation in the Indian market from ground zero. Through strategic PR activities, that include engagement with the media, goodwill meetings, platform opportunities, gaining insights on the Indian market, and developing position papers, VeK is building the company’s brand visibility in the Indian market, positioning the company’s core business verticals. This will be amplified in the coming period by leveraging new communication tools.
  • VeK swiftly developed and rolled out a robust communication and crisis management strategy, for an important subsidiary of the company. This approach prepared the company to mitigate and contain any crisis and reputational damage, maintaining stakeholder and public trust, reinforcing the commitment to patient care and integrity and allowing a smooth transition.


We advise and support our clients in developing their narrative and messaging for media engagement, to build their brand reputation, and position their opinion through a combination of exclusive interactions, OPEDs, roundtables, press releases, goodwill meetings, etc. This is further amplified through digital media.

Leverage Social Media platforms to enhance and widen Brand visibility and reputation. Conceptualize,, create and manage engaging content and visuals, ORM, and campaigns to increase engagement and drive traffic!


Based on the above approach VeK has been able to build/strengthen the brand reputation, trust, and credibility. Additionally enabled to shape opinions and create awareness on issues of relevance.